After Hours creates a space outside of the Sunday sermon for a more raw and interactive dialogue related to our Constructing Beautiful Faith series.
Pastor Matt Shantz | Listen
This After Hours explores the intersection of sexuality and spirituality. We will take an honest look at whether the Christian vision of sexuality is misogynistic, regressive, and bigoted + explore how to live Christianly and engage winsomely on these issues in this moment.
We polled participants of the After Hours | Sexuality session, these are the results.
Pastor Matt Shantz | Listen
This After Hours explores how to share the Christian message in our post-Christian culture.Like good missionaries we will seek to understand our context insightfully + how to evangelize effectively towards the unbelieving, deconstructing, and dechurched.
We polled participants of the After Hours | Evangelism session, these are the results.
Got questions? We'd love to answer them!
Please contact the Office - office@centralcommunity.ca