Join one of three unique ministry tracks to help you grow in your gifts and effectiveness as a disciple of Jesus.
Counselling In Communities equips you to care well for those around you with intentional helping relationships.
Preaching Lab trains and develops you as a communicator of the gospel.
Courageous Evangelism equips you to tell others about Jesus and lead them to Christ.
Counselling in Communities
Update | Thursday, January 29.
We regret to inform you that due to circumstances beyond our control, we will be postponing the Counselling in Communities workshop that was scheduled for this weekend.
The workshop has been moved to February 21st and 22nd. We would love for you to join us then!
Your registration will automatically be transferred to the new dates. If you are unable to attend, please let us know as soon as you are able.
At Central, we value equipping the whole church for ministry. We don’t see church as a few “professionals” racing around doing the work of ministry but the role of leaders being to equip everybody for ministry. With that in mind we are thrilled to be providing a ‘Counselling in Communities’ training to all of those involved (or interested in being involved) in leadership in some capacity in our church.
Counselling in Communities uses Paul Tripp’s book, 'Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands', to train the basic, yet highly important relational skills of loving and knowing others, speaking truth into others’ lives, and walking alongside one another with encouragement and accountability. This is a highly participatory training, in which you will have opportunities to share and apply personally what God is revealing to you through the sessions. You will also have opportunity to practice the relational skills you are learning, in a group setting.
Friday, February 21 | 7.00pm - 9.30pm
Saturday, February 22 | 9.00am - 5.30pm (Lunch provided)
Meeting at the Chilliwack Campus
46100 Chilliwack Central Road
Preaching Lab
Do you have an interest in or passion for preaching and teaching? Would you like to be trained to preach a sermon or teach a Women's, Youth, or Children's Ministry Session?
Be trained and developed as a communicator of the Gospel in our PREACHING LAB.
Jesus emphasizes that Christian teachers are to teach everything that Jesus instructed (Matthew 28:20).
We seek to raise up preachers of the Word from within to fill out our preaching schedule. We also desire to see competent and confident preachers/teachers speaking in ministries like Women’s; Young Adults; Youth; and Children’s large group sessions.
Our Preaching Lab is designed to train and develop communicators of the gospel. It is geared towards those exploring gifts and interest in preaching and teaching. Pastors Matt Shantz and Jonathan Neufeld will each teach a session on homiletics (how to write and deliver a biblically faithful sermon) and then you will be given the opportunity to preach two 15 minute sermons.
January 13, 20 | February 3, 10, 24 | March 3, 10, 17
7.00pm - 9.00pm
Meeting at the Chilliwack Campus
46100 Chilliwack Central Road
Registration for this Preaching Lab has now closed.
Courageous Evangelism
Sharing our faith can be an intimidating challenge, where we so often fail by giving in to the many fears that plague us. How will the other person respond? What if I don’t say the right thing? What if [fill in the blank]?! Despite our fears and failures, the Gospel is good news that is still meant to be shared.
If you’ve ever struggled sharing your faith or have a desire to be better equipped to tell others about Jesus, this class is for you. This interactive, 3 evening class will give you both tools and the confidence needed to step out boldly in elevated intentionality to share about Jesus in Spirit led, appropriate ways.
This interactive class will feature teaching from pastors Eldon Fehr and Jeremy Isaak, mission mobilizer Sam Dick, local missionary Brad Bates and others. We will explore the basics of defining and communicating the Gospel, discover different evangelistic methods, be inspired to be more confident, and be reminded of the grace and sovereignty of God in the salvation of others.
So come join us and learn how to share good news without freaking out or freaking others out!
January 22, 29 | February 5
7.00pm - 8.30pm
Meeting at the Harrison Campus
514 Lillooet Avenue
No registration needed.
Got questions? We'd love to answer them!
Please contact office@centralcommunity.ca