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Central Young Adults exists to help young adults become authentic followers of Jesus by Loving God and Loving People. CYA is an authentic community of young adults (age 18-28) committed to:

  1. Discovering a life-transforming relationship with Jesus
  2. Growing in Godly Character and Wisdom
  3. Establishing deep roots in Faith and Community
  4. Launching into God's unique Calling for our Life
  5. Bringing Mercy and Justice to the broken

Young adulthood is an important stage of life. It is a time for exploring, wrestling, questioning, learning and discovering who we are, what we believe and our purpose and calling in life. CYA aims to provide a place for you to process through this time of life alongside friends and mentors who can provide compassion and guidance. We gather in large and small groups to study Scripture, pray, sing, share meals, serve others and enjoy God and each other. Come and join us as we pursue a life with Jesus together. 

Singles and Marrieds Welcome!

"Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”


Young Adult Life Groups

Want to get real about life and Jesus? Joining a Life Group and regularly connecting with a small group of people is one of the best ways you can be cared for, and grow in relationship with others and with Jesus. Our Life Groups usually meet for a few hours each week or fortnight and eat together, read the bible, discuss God and life, and pray together. Our leaders run a range of Life Groups which meet at different times and in different places – so there will be one suited just for you!

 Sign Up 

YA Gatherings

These weekly gatherings include life group meets, worship and prayer nights, teaching nights, and social gatherings! They are great opportunities to hang out with new people and find ways to get involved

Stay connected! Follow us on Instagram @CC_YoungAdults

Got questions? We'd love to answer them!
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