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Promontory Campus Banner


We would love to have you join us in-person at our services as we gather to worship God through prayer, singing, and hearing & learning from God's Word, the Bible, in the context of community. Dress however is comfortable for you.

Meeting at:
Promontory Heights Elementary, 46200 Stoneview Drive


We serve free tea and coffee before and after the service if you’d like to come early or stay later and meet people.

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Kid's Ministry

Our Kids Ministry kids enjoy free play, sing some praise and worship songs, and listen to a Bible story.  We reinforce the key theme or story of the morning with fun games, activities, and gluten free & nut free snacks (for 5Months - Kindergarten) and water for your child during Kids Ministry.

Nursery: 5 Months - 2 Years
Pre-K: 2 Years - 5 Years
Grade School: Grade 1 - 5

Alternatively your kids can remain with you during the services and all campuses will have activity pages available.

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Latest Sermon

The Power Of A Secret | Promontory Campus | Ephesians: Gospel Shaped People

Ephesians 3:1-13

Sometimes we think that some people are beyond the reach of the Gospel and it's hopeless to talk with them about Christ.  Today we learn that this is not true...and that we each have the privilege to share our faith with others and see the Holy Spirit work in their lives!

Promontory Connection Night | Nov 17

This Connection Night we discussed what it will look like for Promontory to take the step into being an autonomous church. We take a look at how we got to this point, why we are taking this step and answering some of your questions. 


Jonathan Neufeld