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Elder's Update | December 2023

As custom the elders started with a time of prayer for the congregation. There are many needs and complicated dynamics which we lifted up in prayer. But there were also many things to be thankful for.

After a time of prayer the elders took some time to connect and share some snacks and stories. It was good to take a more casual approach to the beginning of our meeting as we feel that it is important to build deeper connections with each other which then will also make us a better team.

We took time to intentionally pray for each other after which we spent time on the topic of who we are as elders, based on a book called Elders. We recognize that we are a plurality. There is not one holder of power but as an elder-led church we hold each other accountable. Any one of us can leave or be absent without it causing a void as a leadership team, recognizing that our ultimate leader is Jesus.

There are so many things to be thankful for. We recognized the many things God is doing in our church. To mention a few:

  • Hundreds of Backpacks of Hope were filled
  • 80+ Christmas hampers were built and handed out
  • Two weeks ago a community youth committed their life to Jesus
  • 7 baptisms and 16 new Ministry Partners!
  • The 300 leaders and students that gathered to celebrate Christmas
  • Three recent Christmas meals at Kent prison were a great success
  • Laughing all the Way Comedy Night - Praise God for a great, sold out night where unbelievers heard the Gospel and were pointed to our Christmas Eve service and Alpha

It is without question that God is working in our church and we praise Him for the work He is doing.

It being the end of the year we also reviewed the budget for 2024. This has proven to be a difficult topic at times for the elders. We have a significant shortfall to the budget in 2023 (although at the time of the meeting we hope and pray for more generosity at Christmas) and yet we were able to cover all expenses. And we continue to feel called to the greater mission: We aim to see the entire eastern Fraser Valley transformed by the Gospel for the glory of God and good of all people. So if you are reading this, ask yourself and prayerfully consider what is asked of you with your finances. I am trying hard to sound as diplomatic as I can, but what I really mean to say is; if you are able, dig a little deeper and write a bigger cheque.

The elders affirmed the 2024 budget, which will be presented to our ministry partners at our AGM. The elders also had a discussion about church discipline. This is a very sensitive subject, and we earnestly desire to follow God's word in how to approach this with love and care, with a mission of rescue.

We look forward to 2024 and pray that God continues to do mighty work in our church where we see growth not just in numbers, but in lives saved and growth in faith.


Maarten Van Ruitenburg
On behalf of the Elders at Central Community

Finance Update

The Elders received a financial report to the end of November noting that the congregation continues to faithfully follow Jesus and provide for the ministry of the church. Year to date donations of $2,019,263 exceeds year to date giving during the same period last year by 15%. It was noted that ministry expenses continue to be in line with budget projections and are below budgeted allocations. Exceptions to this rule are found primarily in mortgage costs due to increased interest rates, an increase in utility costs, and administrative costs associated with banking fees. As of the end of November we are experiencing a deficit when comparing income to expenses of $220,733. If we follow historical giving patterns, where December is the largest giving month of the year, we anticipate covering all of our expenses. At this point we require $492,000 to reach our 2023 budget goal.   

November 2023 Finance Update

The Elders received and reviewed the proposed budget for 2024 with a goal of holding the tension between faith and good stewardship in mind. Increases in the budget reflect inflationary considerations and include some strategic plans. These include provision for the marriage retreat in January, outreach initiatives on Seabird Island, Alpha in across three campuses, the ending of financial subsidy from Northview church for our Harrison campus, and an allotment for increased mortgage costs. In keeping with our determination to reach the Eastern Fraser Valley with the Gospel, which includes robust ministries in each of our five campuses, staffing continues to be one of the largest budget categories. We are grateful for God’s provision of faithful and gifted individuals who provide exceptional ministry in each campus, even as we recognize our commitment to this ministry model puts pressure on our budget. Fruit across all of our campuses encourages us to press on with our ministry model even as we strive to catch up from capital investments in our campuses.

As we finish off another calendar year, and consider how to embrace the opportunity God has for us in 2024, the Elders encourage you to be faithful stewards of the resources God has entrusted to you. Recognizing that we are in tight financial times, please consider your part in the church’s mission to reach people with the Gospel. Thank you for your faithfulness to Jesus and the church. 


We believe in the power of prayer. We value prayer. And we believe that God answers prayer and uses it as a means of achieving His purposes in the church and world.

Central's Elders invite you to come and receive prayer in the Chilliwack Campus Sanctuary.

Tuesday, January 16 | 6.30PM - 7.00PM
Chilliwack Campus | 46100 Chilliwack Central Road

You can also submit prayer requests using the link below.

Request Prayer

Got questions or words of encouragement? We'd love to hear from you!
Please contact The Elders -

Categories: Elders Update