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Elder's Update | February 2025


Our Elder’s recently met this past week. We began by lifting our hearts in prayer and asking God for guidance as we lead his church and his people to become authentic followers of Christ. We prayed for those in need, both within our church and the greater community. We also spent time praying with individuals who came seeking prayer and trusting in God’s promises to hear and answer their needs according to His perfect will. As Elders our primary focus is to support and nurture our church by diligently discerning God’s direction and call for our congregation. We are passionate about sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and creating an environment where individuals can grow deeper in their faith.

We are grateful that many individuals participated in different opportunities for spiritual growth through the Counselling in Communities work shop, the Preaching Lab, and the Courageous Evangelism course. Those who participated in the Counselling in Community workshop learnt how to walk alongside those who are struggling in difficult situations. The Preaching Lab allows individuals to learn how to put together a sermon and use their gifts to preach the gospel.  The Courageous Evangelism course encouraged and equipped participants to tell their personal faith and Gospel stories with confidence and boldness.

We are excited to announce that we are in the planning stages of special Summits for both men and woman. These event will both be held in May and will provide a time of fellowship, teaching and spiritual refreshment. More details regarding the Summits including dates, speakers, and registration will be coming soon!

Pastor Jon is back!!!! We are grateful that Pastor Jon has returned from his personal leave. Be sure to give him a high-five if you see him around. God has blessed us with many gifted youth leaders who served well in his absence. A huge thank you goes out to Ethan, Julia, and Matt B. and the leaders for loving on our youth so well.

We also continue to support and encourage Chris Ross and his family through prayer as they move forward through this transition. We are grateful for his years of service at Central and want to acknowledge that even though his season at Central has come to a close we will continue to walk alongside him and his family as they seek new ministry opportunities. Please join us through prayer and if you have any questions or concerns contact one of us Elders. 

We encourage everyone to mark their calendars for our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Sunday March 2nd. This is a significant occasion for our church family to come together and celebrate the incredible ways God has been at work among us throughout the past year. It’s also an opportunity to look forward with anticipation to what He will accomplish in the future. The AGM will feature a time of worship through song and a devotional as well as present financial reports from 2024 and for 2025.  This will be a chance to enjoy fellowship with one another as well as hearing inspiring stories of how God is moving in the lives of our members. It's a time to express our gratitude for God's faithfulness and to strengthen the bonds of community. Elders will be available at the end of the meeting to address any questions you may have.

As we approach the season of Lent, we invite you to join us for an Ash Wednesday service March 5th .  We will be reflecting on Jesus’s journey to the cross and His sacrifice for us. A Lent guide will be available as you reflect on some of the vices of this world and exchange them for biblical virtues each week. At the completion of the lent season comes the celebration of Easter, where we proclaim the wonderful and life-changing news of our risen Savior, Jesus Christ!    

Ken Vink
- On behalf of the Elders at Central Community

Finance Update

The Elders received an encouraging financial update to the end of January. It was noted that donations to the end of January are up 21% over the previous year. The Elders celebrate the faithful support of the congregation to our mission to proclaim the Gospel. Expenses in January exceeded giving in the amount of $75,550 largely due to final year end expenses paid in January, capital expense the included new computers and camera equipment, and facilities costs related to parking lot safety.

Finance Update  January 2025

It was also noted that funds have been moved into a reserve account in anticipation of the completion of the Let There Be Light project, and in an effort to build an operating reserve. The Elders noted that the benevolent account is being used to provide for ministry at Seabird Island, the Lake Errock food bank, and practical needs of those in the church and community. In January approximately $10,000 was invested in benevolent opportunities.

As we launch into a new fiscal year the elders encourage you to consider your part in our collective mission. God continues to provide for the ministry opportunities he has place in our path through the faithfulness of his people. Join the Elders in thanking God for his steadfast provision.


We believe in the power of prayer. We value prayer. And we believe that God answers prayer and uses it as a means of achieving His purposes in the church and world.

Central's Elders invite you to come and receive prayer in the Chilliwack Campus Sanctuary.

Tuesday, March 18 | 6.30PM - 7.00PM
Chilliwack Campus | 46100 Chilliwack Central Road

You can also submit prayer requests using the link below.

Request Prayer

Got questions or words of encouragement? We'd love to hear from you!
Please contact The Elders -

Categories: Elders Update