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Elder's Update | June 2023

Well Central, we’re halfway through 2023 already! The school year is ending and summertime is upon us. The elders met for a final meeting before we take a break for the summer; we will resume meeting again in September.

The elders are excited to welcome Jayeson Wall and Jim Devisser to the elders team. We thank God for providing such godly men to be a part of our leadership. Please continue to pray for these men and their families as they step into this role.

New Elders 2023

On June 11, the elders met at Harrison campus for a retreat day. This was a time to worship together, share a meal, pray for one another, and discuss things that were on our hearts. It was great to connect with each other in a more casual way.

As we look back on the past month, a big highlight that stands out was our Pentecost Worship Night. What a fantastic evening of sharing a meal with our church family, worshipping together, and sharing testimonies of God’s work in our lives! A special thanks to our amazing hospitality team and worship team that facilitated such a wonderful evening.

Following the Pentecost Worship Night, we received some feedback concerning the spiritual gift of tongues. A brief word in tongues was shared at the worship night, and since this is not a very common occurrence there were understandably questions and concerns. The elders had a robust discussion on spiritual gifts and particularly the gift of tongues. Here at Central we hold to a continuationist view, meaning we believe the miraculous gifts still exist and did not die with the apostles. In regards to the gift of tongues, we believe the utterance of tongues to be an expression of praise to God (not a revelation), and that it would more commonly occur in a private or small group setting. In a small or large group setting, it must be done in an orderly way in accordance with 1 Corinthians 14. We understand that the lack of interpretation was a point of concern for many people, and we will continue to discuss how we might improve in that area. We thank you for your patience and grace as we learn how to do this well.

As we look ahead to the summer, there is much to be excited about. Each one of our campuses is planning to put on some kind of Summer Camp for the community. Please pray that barriers would be broken and that our communities would have hearts that are soft toward the gospel. In addition to summer camps, we have a staggering number of new ministry partners and baptisms taking the plunge this summer; it’s a good thing we have a campus next to a lake! Please pray for those who are taking this beautiful step of faith.

That’s it! Have a fantastic summer, Central!

Justin Vugteveen
- On behalf of the Elders at Central Community

Finance Update

The following finance update shows strong giving through the month of May along with the budget year-to-date and curtailed expenses in light of the discrepancy. Over the course of the first couple of weeks in June you heard from Pastor Matt and our elders, inviting our congregation to help us make up our year-to-date shortfall of nearly $180,000. The elders feel strongly that this is not so much a plea to those who already give generously of the first fruits of your resources (Prov. 3:9) as a beautiful and costly act of worship, but more so a loving challenge to those households who have yet to give this year or give in a regular and sacrificial way. God’s provision and joy await those who simultaneously loosen their group on their resources and tighten their grip on their Saviour (1 Cor. 16:2; 2 Cor. 8:2). The elders’ goal is not your guilt but your joy because God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7). May 2023 Finance Update
The elders would like to thank all of you who give generously as an act of worship and help us make a bigger impact in the eastern Fraser Valley with the gospel. Because of your faithful giving five distinct communities receive faithful gospel preaching, children and youth are trained up in the faith, meaningful outreach happens in each campus neighbourhood, and so much more. It is a joy and a privilege to sacrificially and effectively do gospel ministry together with you all!

Have a great summer and thank you again for your regular, intentional giving toward our common mission!


We believe in the power of prayer. We value prayer. And we believe that God answers prayer and uses it as a means of achieving His purposes in the church and world.

Central's Elders will meet again in September invite you to come and receive prayer in the Chilliwack Campus Sanctuary.

Tuesday, September 19 | 6.30PM - 7.00PM
Chilliwack Campus | 46100 Chilliwack Central Road

You can also submit prayer requests using the link below.

Request Prayer

Got questions or words of encouragement? We'd love to hear from you!
Please contact The Elders -

Categories: Elders Update , Giving , Tongues