Is it too early to be talking about Christmas? To me, it feels like summer was just yesterday and any talk of Christmas is miles away. Yet, the reality is Christmas is around the corner and discussion on Advent, Christmas Eve services and everything surrounding the celebration of the birth of Christ was in full swing at our meeting this month. That might cause you as much consternation as it did me, but it also means that the ministry year is in full swing, and we have things to celebrate as a church!
We as Elders were celebrating the faithfulness of God through the ministries across our campuses. Youth ministry continues to thrive with huge attendance numbers and faithful leaders to build into the next generation. Children’s ministry continues to see record volunteer involvement and investment (a testament to your willingness to get your hands dirty and serve!). The Fear and Anxiety workshop is an example of intentional discipleship and yet is also drawing people from all walks of life and is turning into a tool for evangelism. Only God could do that! Young Adults ministry is thriving. Men’s ministry continues to effectively create meaningful and authentic community while studying the “Hall of Faith” in Hebrews 11. We have opportunities to grow in our understanding of God with our theology nights and then turn and worship Him for who He is with intentional community Worship. We can celebrate a thriving church community!
Not only can we celebrate these amazing internal ministries, but we can celebrate the engagement with community outside the church. We prayerfully anticipate what God is building in Lake Errock with the intentional community presence and opportunity to use the building to support the community. We pray our relationship with Seabird Island continues to flourish and grants us the opportunity to bring Gospel grace and light into this community. We celebrate the community involvement in Harrison and the impact of faithful gospel presence is having. On and on the faithfulness of God is on full display and this is only scratching the surface to the myriad of conversations, relationships, and opportunities pastors and ministry partners engage in as we pursue ministry together.
Yet, with all of this to celebrate the greatest privilege we have as Elders is to pray for and to pray with our church. Each month we spend the first hour of our meeting on our knees (as much as possible) seeking God for wisdom, discernment, protection, provision, and ultimately His presence in the ministry here at Central. We have the privilege to lift those who are suffering and struggling and bring them to the throne of Grace. It is a time of great privilege and awe as we intentionally practice what it means to be spiritual leaders in the place God has called us. All of us struggle and suffer. All of us battle sin and wrestle with God and His word to us. I would encourage you to come to our next meeting and let’s pray and seek His face together in our time of need!
October also means we as Elders turn our attention more intentionally toward what ministry God is calling us to in the year ahead and discerning how to budget for those ministry opportunities. No decisions are made at this point, but we had a robust discussion on initial budgets and strategies for meeting the financial requirements ahead. We are committed to prayerfully consider and discern what financial commitment God is calling us to this next year and would ask that you pray along with us for discernment, wisdom, and faith to trust Him in uncertain times.
When reflecting on what has been accomplish so far this ministry year I am reminded of the words of Paul to the Philippians in Philippians 1:3:
I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, 4 always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. 6 And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
We, as Elders, are privileged to serve alongside you for the glory of God and good of all people.
Jayeson Wall
- On behalf of the Elders at Central Community
Finance Update
The Elders received a year-to-date finance update ending Sept 30, 2023. It was noted that general giving continues to be strong and is a full 9% higher than the same period last year at $1,583,901. It was noted that last year our Above and Beyond campaign saw an additional $106,739 given in September. Continued support from Northview and the BCMB Conference, above our general giving, for our Harrison campus has helped with costs associated with the start up.
Ministry expenses continue to be monitored closely with all ministry categories well below budget allowances. Not a surprize, mortgage interest is our single largest expense increase with $108,045 being spent in this area compared to $60,641 last year. While expenses are well below budget allotments, we continue to experience a shortfall in giving when compared to expenses. In some measure this follows Central’s financial pattern wherein a full 30 percent of the giving is received within the last three months. That said, our YTD shortfall of $198,608 is concerning. The Elders instructed the ministry team to continue to monitor expenses closely and a moratorium has been placed on capital expenses for the time being.
A preliminary budget for 2024 was discussed at some length noting that while we have a unified budget, we are funding the costs for five churches. An update will be given to the campuses to allow them to see a comparison between operational income versus expense. The Elders have asked that budget considerations take into account our vision and mission, thereby requiring a significant faith component, and the practical aspects of fiscal responsibility. It was noted that the Stewardship Team, a group of individuals from the congregation charged with providing the Elders with financial advice, will receive a preliminary draft of the budget at the end of October.
The Elders are grateful for God’s provision through the Central congregation. Faithful support of our vision to reach the Eastern Fraser Valley with the Gospel has allowed us to witness God moving in the hearts and lives of many individuals. Prayerfully consider your part in supporting the ministries of Central. Giving is an integral part of worship.
We believe in the power of prayer. We value prayer. And we believe that God answers prayer and uses it as a means of achieving His purposes in the church and world.
Central's Elders invite you to come and receive prayer in the Chilliwack Campus Sanctuary.
Tuesday, December 19 | 6.30PM - 7.00PM
Chilliwack Campus | 46100 Chilliwack Central Road
You can also submit prayer requests using the link below.
Got questions or words of encouragement? We'd love to hear from you!
Please contact The Elders -