Elder Nominations
The head of Central Community Church is Jesus Christ. As a church, we strive to be faithful to Jesus and live out His purposes in our community and world.
On a practical level, Jesus gifts and calls individuals to give leadership to His church. The New Testament is clear that the church is to be led under the oversight and watchful care of godly leaders. Their authority is expressed in servant leadership, not in “lording over” those placed in their charge, and they are responsible for the spiritual life and health of the church. The leaders are members of the church who are gifted, discerned and commissioned to give direction, oversight and care. At Central, we are elder led. They give governing oversight and commission pastors to give leadership and oversight in specific ministry areas.
Currently our Elders consist of 13 individuals who were nominated and found to meet the biblical requirements for the office of Eldership, as well as the two pastors of the Pastoral Leadership Team – our Lead Pastor and Executive Pastor. It is our hope to add to the current Elder team and continue a rotational term of office. We are requesting that you be in prayer about those God would have join Central’s Elders, and we invite you to nominate godly men that you believe possess the spiritual gift of leadership and fulfill the biblical qualifications of an Elder. Prayerfully consider nominating an Elder candidate you believe fulfills the qualities set out in the Bible for church leadership; to nominate a candidate, please complete the online nomination form below. Paper copies of the nomination form are available at each campus welcome desk and the central front office.
Nominations will be accepted until Sunday, March 9; please submit your nominations before then. The Discernment Team and current Elders will make recommendations for new Elders in May 2025.
We appreciate your prayers as we begin this process.
On the journey with you,
Alf Wiebe
On behalf of the Elders
Click here to read about the Elder Role
Click here to read about the Term of Service
Click here to read about the Selection Process
Elders are to use their wisdom, discernment and shepherding gifts to ensure that the church remains on “true north” biblically. They are the “keepers of the vision” and, as such, lead the church in major decision-making and strategic initiatives. In this regard they will:
- set the overall philosophy, vision and direction for the church in a context of prayer and Scripture. (Acts 6:4)
- ensure that we are effectively achieving our purpose of leading people to be authentic followers of Jesus - always helping people take the next step with Him. (Acts 20:28)
- ensure that the body is being fed through insightful and accurate biblical teaching. They determine what are the major issues or essentials for Central to uphold, while avoiding needless controversy over minor issues. (Titus 1:9)
- ensure that the church is protected from harmful influences by confronting those who are contradicting biblical truth or who are continuing in patterns of sinful behaviours. In doing so, they are to keep closing potential entrances for Satan so that the truth of Christ will remain credible to both the congregation and the community. (Matthew 18:15-17)
- ensure that the life of the church is being well managed with the assistance of other competent and godly leaders. As legal directors for the church, they oversee legal and financial matters, and set church management policy. Our legal documents (Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws) detail their governance duties.
General Principles:
Scripture offers no indication of a fixed term for leaders within the church. At Central, two principles guide our thinking with regard to the term of Elders: the importance of stability and the need for fresh perspectives. With these two principles in mind, Central practices a rotational leadership term. Desiring to build the Elder team to twelve members, each year, Central will plan to add 1-2 new members to the Elder Team. Once the establishment of a team of twelve is achieved, those that have served a maximum of six years will step down, unless otherwise requested. This vacancy will allow new members to be added to the Elder team, fulfilling the fresh perspective principle. The process for adding new Elders commences in January or February and culminates in a time of affirmation from the congregation following the selection process, with new Elders beginning their term June 1st of each year.
Specific Term:
Each Elder is commissioned to serve a six-year term of office. Should a team member leave office before completing their six-year term, a new member will be brought on to replace the leaving member and complete the remainder of that term. After completing a term of leadership, a person is encouraged to take a one-year leadership sabbatical, allowing for a time of refreshing. Following this sabbatical, that person is eligible for nomination to the Elder team again. As with all policies, this process can be suspended, with Elder approval, if deemed in the best interest of the church.
Scripture gives evidence of leaders being appointed by the founders of the church. By this example it is implied that the existing spiritual leadership of a church be intimately involved in the process of selecting leaders to ensure selection based on spiritual, rather than superficial qualifications.
Process for Selection:
- The existing leaders shall appoint a Discernment Team (“DT”) consisting of three participating members. One will be from the Elder team, one from the Pastoral Leadership Team and one from the congregation at large. For the purpose of order, the DT shall select one member of their team to be chairman.
- The congregation shall be provided with teaching regarding the biblical qualifications for Elders and their scriptural role.
- With the biblical qualifications in mind, members of the congregation will be given two weeks to prayerfully submit the names of participating ministry partners for consideration as an Elder. Concurrently, Life Groups will be contacted and encouraged to nominate ministry partners from within their groups who already display the qualifications of an Elder outlined in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.
- The DT will meet together to look at names that were submitted, and prayerfully discern those who will be contacted to consider if they will submit their application for candidacy. They will also review the biblical qualifications for such leaders and determine questions that should be posed to the candidates.
- Individuals whose names are put forth by the DT will be contacted by the chair of the DT, who will advise them of the process involved and give them an application package.
- Candidates shall attend a meeting with the Elders to hear their hearts for the church and to have any questions answered before accepting or declining an Elder nomination.
- Candidates will be urged to engage in self-appraisal and personal evaluation in light of the scriptural qualifications. If interested, they will submit an application to the DT in preparation for an interview. Any person may withdraw their name at that point if they do not aspire to the position (1 Timothy 3:1) or if they do not believe they adequately meet the qualifications.
- The DT shall review the names of the applicants and shall conduct interviews with each one.
- After prayerfully considering each applicant, the DT shall make final recommendations to the Elders. The DT will notify nominees who have not been recommended.
- The Elders shall review the applicants, make a final selection, and notify applicants who are not selected.
- The names of the prospective Elders shall be presented to the participating ministry partners of the church, who will be given two weeks to show cause why any one of the prospective Elders would not be qualified to serve. Consistent with Matt. 18:15 and 5:24, any person with such “cause” must first express his/her concern to the prospective leader and then must also express his/her concern to the Elders for consideration.
- At the end of the two-week period, the prospective leaders will be presented to the congregation for service as Elders. Prayer and the laying on of hands will follow.
Got questions? We'd love to answer them!
Please contact Michelle Esau | Executive Assistant - michelle@centralcommunity.ca