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Elder's Update | June 2024

Over the past few months we have discerned some new elders. Three men have joined the Elders Team.  Please lift up Rich Kopanke, Walter Schroeder and Eddy Mejlhom in prayer as they serve Central in this new capacity. God has provided us with tremendous new leaders! It was wonderful to have these men participate in the meeting this past Tuesday.

Jayeson led us through a discussion on The Power of the Church from Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology (ch. 46). What a beautiful process of restoration and reconciliation Jesus lays out for the church pertaining to church discipline. As odd as it sounds, discipline carried out in a Biblical manner is a true expression of the Christian Gospel. A lively discussion ensued as we explore how to be true to the Biblical teaching on Church Discipline within our context at Central.

Kids camps are quickly approaching. Please pray for our children and their friends and ask the Lord to work through these exciting, fun, outreach opportunities.

Please mark off Thursday, August 22 at 6pm in your calendar. It is Baptism time at Harrison Lake!! God is moving in the hearts of over 50 people to follow Him in the practice of Baptism! In addition to these baptismal candidates we have many more people who are excited about the vision of Central and seeking Ministry Partnership!

God is growing His church and we are feeling it practically at our Chilliwack Campus. The two Sunday morning services are nearing capacity. In order to make room for newcomers at our Sunday morning services, we are launching a third service!  Beginning September 15, 2024, a Sunday 5.15pm evening service will offer everything the morning services have with a bonus….in addition to Gospel centered worship, Biblical preaching, effective children’s ministry, we will also enjoy a meal together. Come for great fellowship over dinner, then move into the worship service. Please prayerfully consider if you would be a person or family who will choose to adjust your Sunday service time to make room in the morning services. You can commit to serve or worship in these services - here.

As you head into these summer months, I pray you will retain intentionality in Church attendance, whatever community you find yourself.

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. 

Hebrews 10: 24-25

On behalf of the Elders,

Ernie Charlton
- On behalf of the Elders at Central Community

Finance Update

The Elders received a financial update to the end of May. They were encouraged to note that giving to the mission and ministries of the church are up significantly over the previous year with $1,005,859 being received. On top of this generosity, several events (marriage retreat, Mexico mission, both men’s and women’s retreats, and Compassion Sundays at three campuses) also saw record commitment to the mission of God thought Central. God continues to provide through his people.

Finance Update - May 2024

Ministry expenses are well under budget and being managed well. One significant exception is the maintenance budget which saw an unexpected expense of $28,000 to pay for windows in the Lake Errock building. Staffing at five locations continues to be the largest ministry expense, but it also allows us to serve the communities of Agassiz, Chilliwack, Harrison, Lake Errock, and Promontory with diligence. This summer the addition of a ministry intern for children's’ ministry will afford opportunity for strong outreach through five day camps run throughout the summer.

While not part of the May financial report, the Elders received word that our Let There Be Light campaign to raise funds to replace lighting in the Chilliwack campus saw $139, 804 raised. This total included monies raised through our live and online auction, donations from all campuses, and a cheque from Mainstreet Church in the amount of $16,000 as a gift demonstrating their support. The elders approved the ordering of supplies for the sanctuary renovation with the expectation that the project will be completed for September.

As is our financial pattern this time of year, it was noted that expenses exceed year to date income in the amount of $122,834. This includes the Lake Errock repairs. Managing our finances closely over the summer months will be essential. As we move into what are our traditionally leaner giving months the Elders encourage you to consider how you might support the ongoing ministries of the church. Online or automated giving serves as a helpful giving option, especially during the vacation season. You can sign up to do so here:

Thank you for your faithful investment into the Kingdom work of Central.



We believe in the power of prayer. We value prayer. And we believe that God answers prayer and uses it as a means of achieving His purposes in the church and world.

Central's Elders invite you to come and receive prayer in the Chilliwack Campus Sanctuary.

Tuesday, September 17 | 6.30PM - 7.00PM
Chilliwack Campus | 46100 Chilliwack Central Road

You can also submit prayer requests using the link below.

Request Prayer

Got questions or words of encouragement? We'd love to hear from you!
Please contact The Elders -

Categories: Elders Update